Thursday, December 28, 2006

Kicking off the blog

So here I am, a week before I leave for South Africa, and creating my first ever blog. I thought this would be the best way to keep family, friends, and colleagues informed of how and what I'm doing, who I'm working with, where I'm going, etc.

Accenture Development Partnerships is a program and non-for-profit group within Accenture allowing consultants to work with organizations in developing nations or economies throughout the world, applying their skills and knowledge from the "typical" chargeable/commercial consulting projects. I've been looking into this program for quite some time and have been fortunate enough to come upon this role I will be undertaking starting January 8th - working with United Nations Development Program (UNDP) on their Municipal Capacity Development Support Initiative in South Africa.

I will be working with UNDP and the government officials in the Mbizana municipality, looking at strategies and programs to help Mbizana's economic development - essentially helping the government provide better service to its residents, improving their quality of life. While I am only set to be in Mbizana for approximately 3 months, UNDP is there (and in many other municipalities) long term. I am hoping to generate ideas and devise plans, developing a foundation to initiate this long-term development in Mbizana.

Friends and colleagues who have worked with Accenture Development Partnerships in the past have cherished their experiences and learned immensely; they've been in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Nigeria, India, Kenya... the list goes on. I anticipate the same returns and am extremely excited about this opportunity. It comes at the perfect time in my career.

I've just returned from a 2-day training in London - about working in the development sector, history of non-profits, health/safety issues, cultural ideas and perceptions - putting me in a perfect mindset to embark on this endeavor.

Enjoy the blog as I try to keep it up as much as possible (we'll see what my internet connectivity will be like...)

In the meantime, Happy New Year, and best wishes to you in 2007.

- BW