Thursday, January 25, 2007

Heading "offsite"

I'm in quick this morning and then we have an "offsite" at Makwande Guest House today and tomorrow for the Municipality's Strat Plan for the second half of the 06-07 fiscal year. Sounds very consulting-ish huh... Btw, I'll save my posting about all the similarities I'm finding about my consulting at home and my consulting here (jargon, acronyms, etc.) for another day. The Municipal Manager (who is just the best guy - always a smile and a handshake, very motivated and happy to see everyone) has invited all the UNDP team to join the leads from the Muncipality for the next two days.

Other thing to mention... it's amazing, but I am so engrained on the daily drive already that I know a lot of the upcoming twist and turns, what you see coming over different hills, which houses are where. I was sitting in the backseat typing on my computer this morning, catching up on emails, and when I happened to look up, I knew exactly where I was, what little tavern was right around the corner, and which rondeval would be coming up on the right.

And things that seemed so out of ordinary two weeks ago - that I would see on the drive, walking through Bizana, or just how things operate at work - seem so standard and just part of being here. I guess that comes more and more over time, but it's a sign to me that I'm pretty well settled in.

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