Friday, January 19, 2007

Turn the world upside down

If my 6th grade teacher, Cora Leonardi, were to read this right now, she'd be happy. Of all the school subjects and lessons I've even studied in my life, one of my most memorable and enjoyable was the section on Astronomy in that 6th grade class - learning about the stars and planets, different constellations, etc. Each night I had to keep a log of the time I went outside to look at the sky and what I saw. Somewhere tucked away in my house, I think I still have those log books as well as my star chart, any tests or papers.

I don't remember a whole lot, but I still can recognize a few constellations - Orion the Hunter being the one I can pinpoint immediately. Orion is distinguishable by its "belt and dagger" and shows up clear over my house in Randolph in the winter sky. I recall looking up at it one night just before leaving for South Africa.

So... here I am in Port Edward last night and looking up, I saw probably the most stars and clearest sky I'd ever seen... so much that the Milky Way was entirely recognizable.

And there was Orion straight above me, but this time it was completely upside down. Whereas the dagger normally faces down, this time it was facing up. I just found this so intriguing, looking up at the sky in a totally different perspective, a moment where I realized I really am in the Southern Hempishpere on the other side of the world.

Off to Cape Town tonight for the weekend... with potential rugby match, trip down the Cape of Good Hope, and wine tasting in Stellenbosch in store. Once again... GO PATS!


earnshavian said...

Great posts Brian! It's fantastic that you are meeting a daily commitment to post and the content certainly feels thousands of miles from the humdrum of daily Chicago life. Keep up the good work and I look forward to more of the same.

Anonymous said...

The pic on the front of you in the hammock is so, so...cosmic. I mean, if your head is shaped like a globe, and your bald spot is South Africa, I wonder what constellation your receding hairline resembles?

Take care, bud! -RG

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