Thursday, March 22, 2007

Finally posting photos

Finally got my photos organized and was able to post a few... hope to get some more out there next week... few of Bizana, a couple with some teammates, a couple from last weekend in the Drakensberg Mountains. Oh, and sorry for the finicky formatting, I'm having trouble with the tool today for some reason. Enjoy.

Here's a view looking down Main Street Bizana...

... and the perpendicular cross street how we enter the town

View of the estuary forming from Port Edward beach into the resort complex (my little villa is in the top right corner of the photo, upon the hill)

A photo caught of me doing computer skills training in one of our offices last week

Moude Cafe, a shabeen (local tavern) we drive past on R61. These shabeens are pretty common all along the way. We like this one because the wall outside reads "GREAT BEER - Just a day to brew"

Bryce, Heather, Lindsay, and I in the Drakensberg Mtns at Sani Pass. If you look all the way top center of the photo, right underneath the cloudless part of sky, we drove on a guided 4X4 tour to the top of that mountain, 9000 ft, apparently the 3rd steepest pass in the world, and the only entrance in the Drakensberg into the Kingdom of Lesotho...

Pulling up into Lesotho. This is border patrol - "Immigration Welcome to Lesotho" painted there on the building.

With Heather and Pete at Mama Africa in Cape Town

Mountain biking through the banana trees in the Umtamvuna Nature Reserve


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