The Municipality threw a Send Off Party and get-together for them. They have both been here for 6 months, since September, and have really become a part of the community and the Municipality. The Send Off was heartfelt and genuine, but of course equally crazy and over the top, but in such the way that they do it here. Always fun, always happy, always a lot of smiles and laughs. Sometimes people will yell in Xhosa and everyone starts cracking up - and the UNDP gang just looks at each other and shrugs our shoulders.

The Municipal Manager spoke, Madam Speaker spoke, the Finance Manager spoke (Mike and Cathy both worked as part of the overall Finance organization - Mike with Finance, Cathy with IT). All the speeches expressed such gratitude for their work, their dedication, and the time they have spent becoming a part of Bizana... and that time moves so quickly that nobody is ready to say Good Bye. You can honestly feel the appreciation that eminates in their words and actions. Mike and Cathy were then invited to respond and had some great words to say, but you could tell they were both overwhelmed by the moment, the people, all the photos and farewells. I'll only be here 3 months and I'll be way overwhelmed and not ready to leave - I can't imagine their thoughts yesterday after 6 months.

Mike and Cathy invited to the front of the Council Chamber (next to Madam Speaker and Finance Manager, standing)
And of course in true fashion, there was singing - and a lot of it. Between every speech the entire group of 60+ was on their feet, singing traditional songs and clapping (I wish I could load/share videos on my connection). And it all ended with a champagne toast... followed by a braii out in the back of the Municipality building. Two big grills with more meat than you have ever seen cooked in one sitting. It's hard to explain.

1 comment:
Good times...g times...gt...ole ole ole ole...ole...ole..
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