Friday, January 26, 2007

Another fast week

Another check in before heading to Day 2 of Strat Plan. It's sweltering outside today, probably one of the hottest and most humid days we've had so far.

Had my first stick-shift driving lesson last night in a parking lot last night. It was a disaster, I'm awful.

Went to dinner up in Margate last night (just north of Port Edward) at a pub called The Keg. Clearly not The Keg of Evanston, but nice to know that there are "Kegs" around the world...

It's pretty tropical some nights in general, especially where we live by the estuary and ocean. Some nights we come home to a gecko scampering around the kitchen or living room, though last night I came home to find one on my bedroom ceiling. It seemingly disappeared soon after, though as Mike said this morning, "I like sleeping with a gecko in the room. It eats all the mosquitos." Not a bad idea actually.

We are driving to Umtata (which is the region that is home to Nelson Mandela) tonight to see where the other Accenture 4 work and live. Then Sat/Sun the eight of us are off to Coffee Bay, also on the Eastern Cape, about an hour away from Umtata. Legend says it was named for a cargo ship carrying coffee that wrecked there. We'll be hiking to Hole in the Wall, which is apparently a must see landmark on the Wild Coast.

Enjoy your weekend!


Brennan said...

Great chatting with you the other night Bri - simple amazing experience you're enjoying. All clear for holidays in April :)

Unknown said...

Brian -- finally had a chance to catch up on your blog. it sounds (and looks) like you're having an amazing time! keep sending the pics...and you were very diplomatic about the pats loss. i couldn't talk about it with anyone until wednesday for fear of breaking down completely. Keep up the good work out there! Jenn