Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Just checking in...

I was on my way to work this morning thinking about signing onto the blog and wondering what I had to write about. And then I realized that there isn't too much... things have gotten pretty routine and I'm really used to my life here. I can honestly say that there is not a whole lot I long for or miss about home (especially winter, after sitting on the beach in Port Edward for two days this weekend striking up a pretty solid tan). Which is a good sign, after a little over two months, nothing is that out of the ordinary. Of course, just as I start to feel that way, it will soon be time to have to wrap up, pack up, and be on my way. But I'm not thinking about that yet.

Of course, the one thing I do feel out of touch with though is my sports. I read the headlines online, see some quick Sox and Pats news, and thanks to all who have sent emails and forwarded articles and news. I had a 45 minute conversation with my Dad on Sunday, and I'd say 30 minutes was dedicated to sports talk. I can say I am excited to return home and have the Sox in full swing.

But missing the NCAA hoops tourney (and the CBS music!) - now that is a big one. I caught a glimpse of the bracket yesterday morning, and minus knowing the top teams this year, the matchups didn't mean much to me.

Still haven't gone through my photos as promised... I will, I will...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Brian -- Haven't checked in in a while...I can't believe your time there is almost done. I love your stories though. And yes, big news with the Pats...but it's a bit disconcerting in that all these acquisitions seem a bit out of character for the organization. But hey -- I'll take it! Enjoy your final few weeks! Jenn